Private Coaching
A great program to jump-start positive change and growth in your personal life and your career.
- A great program for those looking for Life Coaching and/or Career Coaching & Mentoring
- Bespoke 1:1 sessions to increase your confidence, success, skills and contentment.
- Full support and motivation in achieving your goals and happiness
What’s Included:
- An initial session with me to look in real depth at where you currently are in your life, what may be holding you back and why, what’s really important to you and what you want to achieve.
- Three to Four one hour (minimum) zoom coaching/mentoring (or therapy where needed) sessions per month focused on your specific issues & goals and empowering your success. A total of 10 sessions, over 3-4 months (as needed) - including your consultation.
- Full breakdown of what (if anything) in your mind is currently sabotaging you and full support in re-wiring that and empowering your mind to serve you optimally.
- Email or messaging access once a week at least between sessions and a telephone call if needed.
- Full support, motivation, inspiration and encouragement to keep you on track and fast forward you into the inner and outer happiness and success in your life that YOU really want.
- Access to a range of very effective subliminal recordings, videos and other tools to further enhance the breakthrough of any negative beliefs, thoughts or behaviours that might be holding you back AND fast-track your success and happiness.
- Re-cap post each coaching session of your breakthroughs, actions planned, agreed and committed to in the following weeks towards your goals and happiness.